{"id":1544,"global_id":"thomasmorebrighton.org.au?id=1544","global_id_lineage":["thomasmorebrighton.org.au?id=1544"],"author":"1","status":"publish","date":"2018-11-05 05:14:49","date_utc":"2018-11-05 05:14:49","modified":"2019-03-05 00:26:08","modified_utc":"2019-03-04 13:26:08","url":"https:\/\/thomasmorebrighton.org.au\/event\/sample-event-2\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/thomasmorebrighton.org.au\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/1544","title":"Lenten Saturday Evening Silent Prayer","description":"

\"\"In the midst of your busy day, could you sit in silence for 10 minutes? Could you sit there and simply listen to God?<\/p>\n

Lent is great time to turn off, or at least turn down, the torrent and distraction of\u00a0 noise, words and images.<\/p>\n

Technology has created a fast-paced world, which sees its many blessings, however also creates a hindrance in experiencing the “stillness” where God likes to speak.<\/p>\n

Please Join us :<\/strong><\/p>\n

Saturday Evening Silent Prayer during Lent\u00a0 \u00a0After the 5.30 Vigil till 7pm<\/strong><\/p>\n

Mark the dates in your diary :-<\/p>\n