Holy Orders

Images by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2017

Others are called to share specially in Christ’s priesthood. In the Old Covenant, even though Israel was a kingdom of priests (Ex 19:6), the Lord called certain men to a special priestly ministry (Ex19:22). In the New Covenant, even though Christians are a kingdom of priests (1Pet 2:9), Jesus calls certain men to a special priestly ministry (Rom 15:15-16). This sacrament is called holy orders. Through it, priests are ordained and thus empowered to serve the Church (2Tim 1:6-7) as pastors, teachers, and spiritual fathers who heal, feed, and strengthen God’s people – most importantly through preaching and the administration of the sacraments.

Images by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2017

Annointing of the Sick

Sickness prevents us from living a full life. A sick person shares in Jesus’ suffering. The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. The Constitution on the sacred Liturgy urges the faithful not to delay having the ill person anointed. As soon as anyone “begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him/her to receive this sacrament has certainly arrived”. From the very early days of the Church we read of this practice:

Is anyone sick among you? Let him call in the elders of the Church and they will pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will restore the sick one. (James 5:14).

In the past there has been a tendency to delay requesting this sacrament until the person was at the point of death. This practice could deprive the person of much needed support in coping with illness and even the spiritual vitality to recover from the illness. It is the mind of the Church that this sacrament be used in the case of more than passing gravity and that it
not be delayed. The priest will certainly indicate if he thinks that the administration of the sacrament is unnecessary or unwarranted. Please feel free to contact the Office if you or a member of your family is in need of the sacrament.

Baptism and Marriage – Please contact the parish office before making arrangments with Function centers – See Baptism or Marriage for more information.

Anointing of the Sick – Sick calls are  organised by the Parish Office

Funerals and memorial services – please call the Parish Office before confirming with Funeral directors.
