
2023 Sacrament details and Enrollment application forms are now available – click here

Images by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2017

Jesus came that we might be saved. He brought healing to us – both  physical healing in many miracles and, more importantly, spiritual healing. He  saves us from sin. We have been reconciled to God in Christ. This spiritual  healing is given to us today through Christ’s Church in what is known as the  Rite of Reconciliation.

Until the Second Vatican Council, emphasis had been placed on the  private aspect of Penance. The liturgical form of the sacrament highlighted the  sinner and his relationship with God. In the Church today there is also a  concern for the social and community aspect of the sacrament. Our failures  weaken the whole community; our successes strengthen the whole community. In a  sense by being Christians we cease to be private persons. The Church is the  Body of Christ, and we are the Church. Whether we realise it or not, we are  deeply bound up with one another as Christians. This concept underlies the  various forms of the Rite of Reconciliation.

The first form of the Rite resembles the former Rite of Penance in  which the individual confesses sinfulness privately to the priest, and receives  absolution and a penance. In the second form, the community assembles and in an  atmosphere of prayer and humility acknowledges its failings. There is  reflection on the Word of God; private confession of sins follows; and then  there is a community thanksgiving for God’s mercy and pardon.

While there are set times for reconciliation, (Saturday Afternoons – from 4.30 till 5.15pm)  you may choose to  call the Office and make an appointment for any time that is convenient.

Children are usually prepared in Grade 2 for this sacrament.  Any child that is not attending St Thomas More Primary School, and attending the schools within our parish, worshiping at St Thomas More’s is welcome, indeed encouraged, to receive this sacrament  with the parish group. All children intending to receive this sacrament in the parish group will be expected to follow the program of preparation. Please see Parish News as to the Enrollment Details for this coming preparation program.
